Surreal Style

The logo of the gas heating equipment store It is a symbol of warmth, innovation and reliability. Against the background of the emblem in the form of a heat wave framing the very essence of the name, there are symbols of a flame and a key - glowing ideas and opportunities that open up to the company's customers. The color scheme of shades of fire and deep blue, the combination of which conveys confidence and professionalism. The font is concise but modern, emphasizing the company's modern approach to providing services. Logo combines functionality and style, visually reflecting warmth, comfort and technical competence. It was created in order to be understandable and memorable, embodying the warm atmosphere and professionalism that the gas heating equipment store offers. - icon | sticker
Created at:

2024-05-29 07:57:04


512 x 512


The logo of the gas heating equipment store It is a symbol of warmth, innovation and reliability. Against the background of the emblem in the form of a heat wave framing the very essence of the name, there are symbols of a flame and a key - glowing ideas and opportunities that open up to the company's customers. The color scheme of shades of fire and deep blue, the combination of which conveys confidence and professionalism. The font is concise but modern, emphasizing the company's modern approach to providing services. Logo combines functionality and style, visually reflecting warmth, comfort and technical competence. It was created in order to be understandable and memorable, embodying the warm atmosphere and professionalism that the gas heating equipment store offers.

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