Surreal Style

Task Description: Create a logo for a website called "Balance Diet" that assists users in creating a healthy menu based on their macronutrient needs (proteins, fats, carbohydrates). The logo should be modern, simple, and reflect the concept of balance and healthy eating. Requirements: Name: Balance Diet Color Palette: Light and fresh colors such as green, blue, and white. Symbolism: Elements related to nutrition, balance, and healthy lifestyle (e.g., a plate with different sections, scales, leaves, food icons). Style: Minimalist, modern, easy to understand. Target Audience: Health-conscious individuals, including athletes and those monitoring their weight. Ideas and Preferences: Include an image of a plate or bowl divided into three sections, symbolizing macronutrients. Use graphic elements that convey the idea of balance, such as scales. Optionally include stylized icons of food items (fruits, vegetables, grains, meat). A simple and memorable design that scales well for different formats (icons, banners, business cards). Tone and Mood: The logo should evoke a sense of trust, professionalism, and care for health. - icon | sticker
Created at:

2024-06-29 11:49:26


512 x 512


Task Description: Create a logo for a website called "Balance Diet" that assists users in creating a healthy menu based on their macronutrient needs (proteins, fats, carbohydrates). The logo should be modern, simple, and reflect the concept of balance and healthy eating. Requirements: Name: Balance Diet Color Palette: Light and fresh colors such as green, blue, and white. Symbolism: Elements related to nutrition, balance, and healthy lifestyle (e.g., a plate with different sections, scales, leaves, food icons). Style: Minimalist, modern, easy to understand. Target Audience: Health-conscious individuals, including athletes and those monitoring their weight. Ideas and Preferences: Include an image of a plate or bowl divided into three sections, symbolizing macronutrients. Use graphic elements that convey the idea of balance, such as scales. Optionally include stylized icons of food items (fruits, vegetables, grains, meat). A simple and memorable design that scales well for different formats (icons, banners, business cards). Tone and Mood: The logo should evoke a sense of trust, professionalism, and care for health.

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