Vivid Real

Please create simple icons to reflect: Signs and symptoms of labor, Soft signs, Hard signs, When to go to the hospital, TACO method for aminiotic fluid, bleeding, discharge, foul smell, green or brown aminiotic fluid, baby intra uterous not moving, daddy self=care, tips, bag, emotional support, preparing environment, calm atmosphere, aroma therapy, decision making, comfort items, hyfration and snacks, birth ball and allow me to edit them on canva. icon color: white and dark yellow - icon | sticker
Created at:

2024-06-20 20:13:45


512 x 512


Please create simple icons to reflect: Signs and symptoms of labor, Soft signs, Hard signs, When to go to the hospital, TACO method for aminiotic fluid, bleeding, discharge, foul smell, green or brown aminiotic fluid, baby intra uterous not moving, daddy self=care, tips, bag, emotional support, preparing environment, calm atmosphere, aroma therapy, decision making, comfort items, hyfration and snacks, birth ball and allow me to edit them on canva. icon color: white and dark yellow

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