Vivid Real

Please create a gift icon in a minimalistic style using pastel colors. The main color of the box should be a soft olive, with shadows and accents in light gray. The ribbon and bow should be made in a delicate lilac color with white contours and details. The background of the icon should be light gray. The icon should look elegant and sophisticated, with smooth lines and soft gradients suitable for a modern and stylish brand. - icon | sticker
Created at:

2024-07-02 09:36:09


512 x 512


Please create a gift icon in a minimalistic style using pastel colors. The main color of the box should be a soft olive, with shadows and accents in light gray. The ribbon and bow should be made in a delicate lilac color with white contours and details. The background of the icon should be light gray. The icon should look elegant and sophisticated, with smooth lines and soft gradients suitable for a modern and stylish brand.

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