Stick Logo

Main element: A stylized brain outline composed of interconnected nodes and lines, symbolizing a knowledge network. Color scheme: Use a gradient of blue and green to represent wisdom and growth. Shape: The overall shape is circular or square, making it easy to use in various interfaces. Details: Place several larger nodes within the outline of the brain to represent the main knowledge points. Connect these nodes with thin lines to form a network structure. Add small arrows on certain connection lines to imply knowledge flow and relationships. Background: Use a transparent background to highlight the network structure of the foreground. - icon | sticker
Created at:

2024-07-22 09:42:33


512 x 512


Main element: A stylized brain outline composed of interconnected nodes and lines, symbolizing a knowledge network. Color scheme: Use a gradient of blue and green to represent wisdom and growth. Shape: The overall shape is circular or square, making it easy to use in various interfaces. Details: Place several larger nodes within the outline of the brain to represent the main knowledge points. Connect these nodes with thin lines to form a network structure. Add small arrows on certain connection lines to imply knowledge flow and relationships. Background: Use a transparent background to highlight the network structure of the foreground.

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