Stick Logo

Generate a 512x512 pixel image of a minimalist octopus in a dark theme. The design should be simple and clean, with the octopus depicted in a stylized, modern way. The octopus should have a single horn on its head with a halo hanging from the horn. Use dark and muted colors to create a moody and atmospheric effect, with the octopus as the central focus. Avoid too many details and keep the background plain and dark. - icon | sticker
Created at:

2024-06-10 07:44:49


512 x 512


Generate a 512x512 pixel image of a minimalist octopus in a dark theme. The design should be simple and clean, with the octopus depicted in a stylized, modern way. The octopus should have a single horn on its head with a halo hanging from the horn. Use dark and muted colors to create a moody and atmospheric effect, with the octopus as the central focus. Avoid too many details and keep the background plain and dark.

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