Vivid Real

Create an icon representing heating and cooling systems. The icon should include the following elements: Central Element: A simple green house with a white dollar symbol ($) in the center, indicating energy efficiency or cost savings. Circular Arrows: Two circular arrows surrounding the house. The left arrow should be orange (#E69138), pointing to the right, and labeled 'HEATING' in white. The right arrow should be blue (#6FA8DC), pointing to the left, and labeled 'COOLING' in white. Symbols: At the end of the orange arrow, include a yellow sun symbol to represent heating. At the end of the blue arrow, include blue snowflakes to represent cooling. Overall Design: The arrows should form a continuous circle around the house, symbolizing the cycle of heating and cooling. The design should be clean, modern, and easily recognizable. - icon | sticker
Created at:

2024-06-27 08:34:14


512 x 512


Create an icon representing heating and cooling systems. The icon should include the following elements: Central Element: A simple green house with a white dollar symbol ($) in the center, indicating energy efficiency or cost savings. Circular Arrows: Two circular arrows surrounding the house. The left arrow should be orange (#E69138), pointing to the right, and labeled 'HEATING' in white. The right arrow should be blue (#6FA8DC), pointing to the left, and labeled 'COOLING' in white. Symbols: At the end of the orange arrow, include a yellow sun symbol to represent heating. At the end of the blue arrow, include blue snowflakes to represent cooling. Overall Design: The arrows should form a continuous circle around the house, symbolizing the cycle of heating and cooling. The design should be clean, modern, and easily recognizable.

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