Vivid Real

Create an icon for .pce and .pie executable files. The icon should have a distinctive and professional appearance suitable for an executable file. It should feature a stylized pie slice as the central element. The design should be modern and clean, with a high-quality finish. Use a color palette that is both eye-catching and professional. The pie slice should be easily identifiable and well-integrated into the overall icon design. Ensure the icon looks sharp and clear at smaller sizes, typical for executable file icons. - icon | sticker
Created at:

2024-08-31 21:46:35


512 x 512


Create an icon for .pce and .pie executable files. The icon should have a distinctive and professional appearance suitable for an executable file. It should feature a stylized pie slice as the central element. The design should be modern and clean, with a high-quality finish. Use a color palette that is both eye-catching and professional. The pie slice should be easily identifiable and well-integrated into the overall icon design. Ensure the icon looks sharp and clear at smaller sizes, typical for executable file icons.

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