Vivid Real

Create an icon for a computer program that links CAD system data with databases. The icon should include: A stylized representation of a 3D model or blueprint, representing the CAD system. A database symbol, such as a cylinder or stack of disks. An element symbolizing connection or integration, like a bidirectional arrow or lines connecting the two main elements. Use a simple, clear design with a limited color palette suitable for display in various sizes. The icon should be easily recognizable and reflect the program's functionality. - icon | sticker
Created at:

2024-07-05 06:12:01


512 x 512


Create an icon for a computer program that links CAD system data with databases. The icon should include: A stylized representation of a 3D model or blueprint, representing the CAD system. A database symbol, such as a cylinder or stack of disks. An element symbolizing connection or integration, like a bidirectional arrow or lines connecting the two main elements. Use a simple, clear design with a limited color palette suitable for display in various sizes. The icon should be easily recognizable and reflect the program's functionality.

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