Vivid Real

Application Description: "FitTracker" is a mobile application for tracking fitness activity and health. The app helps users track their workouts, diet, and progress towards fitness goals. Task: Create a set of 5 icons for the application. Basic requirements for icons: - Simplicity and conciseness. - Use of bright and energetic colors. - Icons should reflect the various functions of the application: training, nutrition, progress, hydration and sleep. - Uniform style for all icons. - icon | sticker
Created at:

2024-07-25 10:25:06


512 x 512


Application Description: "FitTracker" is a mobile application for tracking fitness activity and health. The app helps users track their workouts, diet, and progress towards fitness goals. Task: Create a set of 5 icons for the application. Basic requirements for icons: - Simplicity and conciseness. - Use of bright and energetic colors. - Icons should reflect the various functions of the application: training, nutrition, progress, hydration and sleep. - Uniform style for all icons.

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