Surreal Style
2024-11-20 21:36:45
512 x 512
app icon for stores for application named my car
Similar Icons
512 x 512
以简洁的圆形镜子为主体轮廓,采用现代简约设计风格,镜子边框为流畅的橙色金属质感线条,粗细适中,凸显精致与专业。 镜子正面以白色为底,中心区域运用超写实手法绘制出清晰的反射效果,一半代表健康与光明;另一半表示不健康和昏暗,整体醒目且极具警示性,突出该 APP 对好坏事物精准鉴别的寓意,适配移动端展示,具有高辨识度
512 x 512
Outline icon set of medical, frosted glass icon set, colorful, neon light, dark background
512 x 512
Abstract water droplets (nourishing and flowing) Element: An abstract droplet pattern that can have multiple deformations and create a flowing or rippling effect. Color: The main color tone is blue or green, which can be paired with white or light gray. Design concept: Water droplets represent nourishment and growth, and also symbolize the fluidity of advertising transactions. Abstract design is more artistic and modern. Applicable scenarios: Suitable for platforms that pursue innovation and focus on user experience, highlighting the smoothness and vitality of the platform.